spring cloud config server源码解析
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curl -i http://config-server-host:port/{application}/{proflie}




@RequestMapping("/{name}/{profile}/{label}/**")	public String resolve(@PathVariable String name, @PathVariable String profile,			@PathVariable String label, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {		String path = getFilePath(request, name, profile, label);		return resolve(name, profile, label, path);	}


synchronized String resolve(String name, String profile, String label, String path)			throws IOException {		if (label != null && label.contains("(_)")) {			// "(_)" is uncommon in a git branch name, but "/" cannot be matched			// by Spring MVC			label = label.replace("(_)", "/");		}		StandardEnvironment environment = prepareEnvironment(				this.environmentRepository.findOne(name, profile, label));		// ensure InputStream will be closed to prevent file locks on Windows		try (InputStream is = this.resourceRepository.findOne(name, profile, label, path)				.getInputStream()) {			String text = StreamUtils.copyToString(is, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));			return resolvePlaceholders(environment, text);		}	}


public synchronized Resource findOne(String application, String profile, String label,			String path) {		String[] locations = this.service.getLocations(application, profile, label).getLocations();		try {			for (int i = locations.length; i-- > 0;) {				String location = locations[i];				for (String local : getProfilePaths(profile, path)) {					Resource file = this.resourceLoader.getResource(location)							.createRelative(local);					if (file.exists() && file.isReadable()) {						return file;					}				}			}		}		catch (IOException e) {			throw new NoSuchResourceException(					"Error : " + path + ". (" + e.getMessage() + ")");		}		throw new NoSuchResourceException("Not found: " + path);	}


public synchronized Locations getLocations(String application, String profile,			String label) {		if (label == null) {			label = this.defaultLabel;		}		String version = refresh(label);		return new Locations(application, profile, label, version,				getSearchLocations(getWorkingDirectory(), application, profile, label));	}


/**	 * Get the working directory ready.	 */	private String refresh(String label) {		initialize();		Git git = null;		try {			git = createGitClient();			if (shouldPull(git)) {				fetch(git, label);				//checkout after fetch so we can get any new branches, tags, ect.				checkout(git, label);				if(isBranch(git, label)) {					//merge results from fetch					merge(git, label);					if (!isClean(git)) {						logger.warn("The local repository is dirty. Resetting it to origin/"								+ label + ".");						resetHard(git, label, "refs/remotes/origin/" + label);					}				}			}			else{				//nothing to update so just checkout				checkout(git, label);			}			//always return what is currently HEAD as the version			return git.getRepository().getRef("HEAD").getObjectId().getName();		}		catch (RefNotFoundException e) {			throw new NoSuchLabelException("No such label: " + label);		}		catch (GitAPIException e) {			throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot clone or checkout repository", e);		}		catch (Exception e) {			throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load environment", e);		}		finally {			try {				if (git != null) {					git.close();				}			}			catch (Exception e) {				this.logger.warn("Could not close git repository", e);			}		}	}


public /*public for testing*/ boolean shouldPull(Git git) throws GitAPIException {		boolean shouldPull;		Status gitStatus = git.status().call();		boolean isWorkingTreeClean = gitStatus.isClean();		String originUrl = git.getRepository().getConfig().getString("remote", "origin",				"url");		if (this.forcePull && !isWorkingTreeClean) {			shouldPull = true;			logDirty(gitStatus);		}		else {			shouldPull = isWorkingTreeClean && originUrl != null;		}		if (!isWorkingTreeClean && !this.forcePull) {			this.logger.info("Cannot pull from remote " + originUrl					+ ", the working tree is not clean.");		}		return shouldPull;	}


